McGoldrick's Adventure Novels

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Books for Boys
I write adventure books, real life adventure not fiction. The original purpose was to document and to pass on to my own sons my own work/travel/pleasure adventures so that they could also enjoy the experiences and perhaps even learn from them (you know, the old lessons learned thing so to perhaps avoid some of the same pitfalls). The books compartmentalize segments of my adventures and life.

All of my books are listed as 1st publication and also 2nd publication (revised and improved and with a different title) at where they can be purchased in paperback or as e-books and at (search on McGoldrick) for all in e-book format (really inexpensive). They are also listed by, Barnes and Noble, Albris books and many other book sellers.

The books start with the book entitled "Retirement Riches in the Pacific" ISBN 13 digit 9781413709957. This is not the beginning of the series but is the first book published. The adventures in this books were really instigated by the 3 movies Mutiney on the Bounty. Movies I had watched during my lifetime and which always left me desirous of living on a tropical Pacific Island and maybe even getting to have an Island Beauty as a girlfriend as some of those sailors had done. As with most people, I had to wait until I retired and had plenty of time available before I was able to go back to the Marshall Islands and live my dream. Yes, I was lucky and had been invited there to build a tourist cottage business on Emidj Island, Jaluit Atoll (look up the place on Google. You will be amazed.) That place was the choice after my first choice of Pohnpei fell through (I'd been invited to built tourist cottages there too. Look up Pohnpei on Google-that's where the Bostonian Whalers laid up for pleasurable shore time.) I set out to get rich while indulging my fantacies but things did not work out as planned or desired.

The second book is titled "Star Wars in the Pacific" ISBN 13 digit 9781420842975. This book is a fictional plot using real life characters, events and locational scenes. While stationed at Kwajalein (look it up in Google too) certain events occurred which caused fellow workers to suggest I write a spy novel (they were well acquainted with my writing abilities). With their encouragement, I did just that. The book tells about the missile program and includes the time of the black box which went missing after the missile splashed into the lagoon just before a terrible typhoon. After the typhoon passed, the missile was located but the black box could not be found even by the US Navy Seals. Oh, there was lots of speculation and intrigue. Check out the book for lots of adventures.

The third and fourth books are also adventures but they are usually listed in the self-help/recovery section since they deal with the use of, addiction to, stopping the use of and living without that so called great elixer of life-ALCOHOL. These books are "My Life Story by Tom M. A Recovering Alcoholic" ISBN 13 digit 9781420842012. This particular book recounts the adventures of a young boy as King of the Liquor Warehouse and growing up with alcohol, getting addicted to it, many exciting and not necessarily glamourous events and finally stopping the use of alcohol. Yes, in the early years alcohol gave the courage to do things but later caused problems. The book is intended to give others the opportunity to self identify and to see that the addiction can be overcome. The fourth book is "On the Road to Recovery Thanks to AA Meetings" ISBN 9781411675520. This particular book starts with the giving up of drinking alcoholic beverages and starting to live a life without alcohol. It details the painful and not so painful steps of changing not just one aspect of living but essentially changing everything including how life is lived. This book also provides for self identity and encouragement to others that they too can make the change if they really want to.

And then there is the 5th book. It is "Odyssey of the Auditor Interns" ISBN 13 digit 9781411676886. This book tries to exclude what is in the other 4 books. It is written similar to another book written about a graduating class of West Point Cadets which then followed them throughout their careers. This book is parallel to that and follows a group of new hire auditors of 1965 who went to work for Army Audit Agency and they began to see the world and get some real experiences. It is a globe trotting novel. It shows that civilians volunteered to work overseas (they were never sent without volunteering) and served their country without carrying weapons. They were in exciting places at exciting times. When it was all over, each of the auditors had plenty of memories to enjoy whilst sitting in the proverbial rocking chair on the porch and watching the people walk by. Check it out. (Search Asmara, Ethiopia on Google). That place is in the book too.

May my writings inspire others to take the more adventuresome path and in so doing gain for the others their very own unique life and travel experiences which they can recount to others to hold them spellbound anytime they wish. Most people do not travel but do envy those who have traveled.
