McGoldrick's Adventure Novels

Friday, March 03, 2006

My Life Story- by Tom M. A Recovering Alcoholic
“A thrilling tale by a man of growing up where consumption of alcohol was normal and routine, using it in his youth to overcome shyness and to gain acceptance and later stopping consumption of alcohol and with the help of AA, learning to live a normal alcohol free life. This is a never ending kaleidescope of adventures, some funny, some embarassing, some scary and some humiliating. He survived them all. And, as his life continued, the exciting action adventures continued. He was blessed with two sons late in life and his values changed from henoistic to supportive to properly raise and educate his sons, the promise of continuance of the family name. Never a dull moment. A new adventure begins before the current adventure ends. Just what is up and over the next ridge anyway? Get the book and discover yourself. Those real life action shows on TV are just producer’s fantacies. Try some real life action adventure without leaving the comfort of your chair or home. This story is for those who yearn to live an adventure on a Pacific Island. It isn’t anything like the movies. Now you can experience it in vivid detail- the joys, the boredom, the rapture and the disappointments."
My Life Story-by Tom M. A Recovering Alcoholic ISBN 1-4208-4201-3
Visit and key in Tom McGoldrick or then on books, enter McGoldrick, Tom to order this book as hard cover, paperback or electronic image. Or go to at

Genre: Real Life Action Adventure and Addiction and Recovery Paperback: 283 pages
Description: A thrilling tale of adventure and daily life experiences from early childhood growing up with alcohol ready at hand, through teenage growing up years and on to adulthood when drinking was legal and acceptable. Ah, the exploits of teenagers who are drinking. Then, after many years of enjoyable drinking, the paranoia set in and it was time to go to Alcoholics Anonyomous where the lead character learned how to stop and stay stopped in the drining area. For those who yearn to live an adventure, buy the book and experience experience it in the comfort of your living room.
Synopsis:This tale of high adventure is set in the real world where life is harsh and customs and culture of peoples almost everywhere insist you drink. Tom grew up with alcohol and enjoyed it for many a year as have so many others. As long as he stayed with the heavy drinkers, there seemed to be no problem. But, there was. Eventually, he had to face the cold hard facts and make changes, not small ones either. Just about everything concering his life had to change. And, change it did. Oh, the adventures continued as that was in Tom’s basic nature. However, here-to-fore rash impetitous charges off onto new adventures were now tempered with rational clearheaded thinking. Life is truly a great adventure. You too can do the adventures first hand like Tom did or 2nd hand by reading of his adventures. After all of his adventures Tom now enjoys watching Explorer and Discover channel to revisit some of the places he’d been before and where he’d enjoyed many a fine drink while practicing and other places where he’d enjoyed a fine time without the numbing effects of alcohol. This story is for those who yearn to live an adventure; now they can experience it through Tom’s exploits. Book Details · Paperback: 282 pages · Binding: Hard copy $16.95, paperback and electronic media $4.95· Published: July 13, 2005 ISBN 1-4208-4201-3


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